Vision and Strategy
Gemini Resources seeks to generate sustainable long-term value in all stages of the upstream oil and gas value chain. Our focus is on a combination of de-risked projects with a short time to production and high-impact exploration plays. We prioritise projects that have existing infrastructure to market oil and gas quickly.
We seek to acquire licenses combining proven reserves with high contingent resources and then transform the resources into reserves. When selecting assets, we place also emphasis on those that have never seen modern production techniques, such as our projects in the Permian Basin in Poland.
The Permian Basin extends across Europe and hosts highly prolific conventional resources in the Zechstein Main Dolomite and the Rotliegendes formations, where oil and gas has been produced for over 50 years. Gemini's Permian (Rotliegend) gas fields in Poland are direct analogs to those found in the UK and Dutch sectors of the Southern North Sea and onshore Netherlands and Germany. Geology doesn’t stop at the border; Poland is just under-explored.